Hello, I'm a Frontend Developer from Dallas, TX. I hold experience through many avenues.
  • Name:Reuben Pena
  • Email:reubencode117@gmail.com
  • Phone:+1 469 343 7079
  • Date of birth:15 September 1994
  • Nationality:United States

Built Experience Over Time

For the past decade I've been on a journey of learning. I've gained experience through education, projects, freelance, and work. My first leg in the journey is a focus on Web Development, and a second leg diving into Mobile Application Development.

Built knowledge in Javascript through website development, mobile app development, and online courses.

React Native

Built React web apps, then transfered to building Mobile apps for IOS and Android with Expo.


Continued use of HTML through websites pages to this day with React Native components.


Repeated use of CSS through projects consisting of website editing, email design, and mobile app component building.


Built applications with users in mind. Created user friendly applications with the app functionality in mind.


Performed submitions of production ready projects, from website hosting to Apple Store, Google Play Store publishing.